Personal stuff like blog w/comments
Would likely be in the format of twitter, with post along with picture(s), expandable comments below, and then a thin white border with next post below
- This is what I would write about that one time I wandered around the Galleria and tried to get the kiddletons macaron and pulled a lapras ex from crowing stars or whatev
from gamestop. This is filler text, i would something like lorum ipsum but idk i dont wanna. Anyways congrats on finding this page its unlikely you found it unless you subscribed and
looked at my page updates, in which case I greatly appreciate the support, feel free to leave a comment on my updates about what you think needs improving, I'll get a shoutbox
and comments system soon enough.We need to keep services like these easily accessible and spread awareness to other popular serviceslike tiktok and facebook. I'm doing my part
by making obvious mockups of popular sites like best buy and malls.
- Idea is to have comments act like on reddit
- Here is where the insert comment box would go with submit button (MODERATION IS IMPORTANT)
- No indentation, where the first comment would go
- With a tab of indentation on border, the reply to the above comment
Just went into a local game store
- Overheard some people are setting up a smash tournament for their friends, good to
know their still well and welcoming to newbs. I dressed pretty well imo (a comfy red sweater, green undershirt, and jeans)
and while I didn't have the confidence to nerd out to the pokemon fan in line @ gamestop or to play magic starter decks with the guys
that were there, I still felt like the sexiest thing in that mall (even though in retrospect I probably looked pretty modest lol :p)
- First thing
- Second thing
- Third thing
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